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November 30th, 2010 -July 26, 2011 Day 128
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote that I had run out of tears crying about my late dog Scout. After I posted the daily blog yesterday afternoon, I got a call from the Vet. She had called to tell me that Scout's ashes were in and ready to be picked up. I was fine until I placed the ashes on the passenger seat. The same seat he was sitting on November 6th when he took his last breath.

I lo
oked at the beautiful oak box with his name engraved on the top, a pretty yellow flower was taped to it as well. It all came rushing back, and I lost it. Again.

I know I have a new pup. I know how much I love the new pup and how he will bring us all heaps of joy. But I guess I'm still not completely over losing our old d
og. I'm OK though. It was just a moment of weakness.

There was a nice ground swell running today. It was good to be back in the water with real waves. I rode my shorter board. Chris Sullivan pulled up as I was about to head out and shot this photo on his
cell phone.

I caught a bunch of waves out there. And I know, that my new Puppy PATCH is our new "Patch Of Blue. Goodbye November...

That's 128, only 237 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 29th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 127
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

My eyes are like the lens of a camera. Always snapping imaginary photos or shooting video. Seeing the beauty of my daily surf. The sparkle of light on the wave face. The clear translucent water. The moving currents under the surface. The wave and it's intricate mechanics of how it moves and pulsates, and finally dissipating in the shallow water. Watching the reform retreat back out to sea. Snapping each flickering image. Taping each movement. Sometimes in ultra slow motion. Watching every
drop of the crystal clear water.

My brain is like a super Hard Drive. Storing all these images
for future viewing. How many waves have I seen in my life? Surely hundreds of thousands. Maybe more. Millions? I guess it could be millions. In all the years, and all the waves...I'd sure be
curious to find out. I bet the sheer number would surprise me.

I caught one wave today and saluted. But, I bet I saw at least 2
5 waves in the time I spent down there this morning. I'm just guessing though...
Guess I'll have to look on
my brain's hard drive and count them.
If I only I could find the Windows Explorer folder in my mind.

127, only 238 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 28th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 126
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

We watched "Alice In Wonderland" last night with Johnny Depp. It was a great movie, if you haven't yet seen it, it's at the very least worth the family movie night selection. At any rate, in the movie, Alice takes a bite out of the special cake and can either get taller or smaller.

OK so what's that got to do with this daily blog? Everything my friends. Everything.

For if I had such a magical pastry, I would of bitten into that cake and made myself 6 inches tall today and had one of the most incredible surf sessions. The surf was a roping 1/2 to 1' perfect mini machine. And the waves I saw this morning would of been head high to double overhead perfect barrels if I were 6 inches tall.

That's of course if the cake also made my wetsuit and surfboard proportionately
the right size for my new 6 inch frame. Otherwise...never mind. Still, I managed to scratch into one 10" wave. I stood up and saluted and stepped off and onto the sand. A woman walking her dog asked me how the puppy was doing. I had not met her before, so I'm assuming she is a reader of this daily blog.

I told her he's been great. We all love our new "Patch" of Blue.

126, only 239 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 27th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 125
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I caught myself daydreaming today. Lots of times when I'm out surfing, I tend to drift off. You know, lost in my thoughts. That happened today. I was clearly zoned out and not paying attention. For if I had, I would of realized that where I was sitting was not conducive to catching a wave. Hardly. It was small again today. Plenty big enough to accomplish what I need to do. But clearly not big enough to be sitting where I was.
It's like I awoke from a morning nap or something.

Of course once I was alert and paying attention, I did adjust to where I was sitting and quickly saw the wave I wanted and caught it. The rest is as they say..."history."

I shot this photo last night...The Day After Thanksgiving.

I'm HAPPY to report that it was in fact, just the rain that caused the Molly Graffiti to disappear. It was STILL there for all to see.

The "Happy Birthday Molly" and her name written in a few other spots.
It's all still there. It was just the wet rain on the cement from the rain storm that caused it to wash out.
Thank God. It's such an inspiration for me to see that almost everyday.

125, only 240 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 26th, 2010 -July 26, 2011 Day 124
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I don't know about you guys but I skipped breakfast this morning. I may skip lunch too.
Actually, what am I saying? One of the best things about Thanksgiving is always the day after. Going back to your Mom's or grandmother's house for leftovers. Is there a better tasting sandwich then the Day After Thanksgiving Turkey Sandwich?

I don't think so.

The rain falling this morning was a warm rain. It did not feel nearly as cold as the last two days.
There's was still a swell running. Albeit, it was on the small side. Maybe 2' at best. But more than enough to catch my wave. I paddled out at 18th Street and caught one on the outside rock cropping and rode it all the way in.

It wasn't pretty, but it was all that I needed today.

On the way back up to the
stairs I noticed that someone had painted over all the graffiti on the wall. Along with it went the kid's writing of Molly's name. The Parks Department I'm sure were unaware of the significance of her name. However, the spot they painted over left me a nice canvas to re-write her name...or perhaps have some childhood friend of Molly do it. I'm certainly not encouraging kids to write graffiti, but this is different.

I missed seeing the "Happy Birthday Molly" and her name written in a few spots.
Maybe it's just because of the rain and I couldn't see it. After all, I think her name was written with surf wax. I'll have to assess the situation once it stops raining. So stand by until I get to see it in a clear light.

124, only 241 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 25th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 123
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I was more than thrilled to see a solid 1/2 to 1' swell this morning. I was dreading the worse after yesterday. But the wind was not nearly as strong, and as a result, what little swell there was had little or slight resistance from the offshore winds. I was stoked to see one half to one foot waves peeling off the sandbar at 18th Street.

My buddy Duffy drove by and he was kind enough to snap a pic or two of the day's daily ride. Then a few more friends stopped by or walked by. All in was a Good and Happy Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for. Let us not forget those who are less fortunate than us. And those who are suffering with both physical and emotional pain. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers today.

There will be many painful moments all across the country today. But there will also be joyous memories of lost loved ones. Be strong my friends. And believe in the world that awaits us all. Be good to each other today. Give thanks. Give Lo
ve. Give prayers.
I love you all...
Happy Thanksgiving.

123, only 242 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 24th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 122
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I thought today was going to be the day. What day? The day I had to seek an alternate plan to find a wave. The wind was blowing so hard offshore that it had beaten down whatever was left to that 1' wave yesterday and had reduced it to a whopping 2-3 inches. I kid you not. It was beyond tiny.

(*Photo above from the IT'SABEACH Wave cam. Pretty flat eh?)

So I stood in knee deep water for about 25 minutes trying to make something out of nothing. I would shove off on a 4" set wave only to have it disappear before my eyes. I couldn't go 3 feet let alone the needed 9 feet. During one particular set (3inches) I saw where the tiny ripple hit a lump of sand and actually broke.

I moved over to that spot and waited. And waited. And waited some more.

Finally a ripple showed. And at that moment I was thinking to myself, who is going to know if I catch this and ride the 9 feet? Who? There's no one walking the beach. It's too cold and windy. But I knew who would know. Molly would know. My Mother would know. Joe would know. Linda would know...oh you get the picture.

So I shrugged it off and when that tiny ripple struggled to reach me I shoved off and stood right up and then shifted my weight forward. Much to my surprise I went not only 9 feet but pretty much double that. On a 4inch wave!!!!

And then I heard it. Hooting. Someone was hooting me!

Up on the wall at 18th Street were two good friends. Phil and Kaki. They had stopped because they saw my vehicle and pulled over and stepped out of their vehicle and stepped over to the wall and saw me catch the world's smallest wave and they were hooting and cheering. I raised my hands in a triumphant pose like I had just caught the biggest wave. And you know what? I did catch the biggest wave.

I did catch the biggest
and most meaningful wave so far...

122, only 243 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 23rd, 2010 -July 26, 2011 Day 121
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I saw the coolest piece of driftwood on the beach this morning. Man I wanted it so bad. I would of dug it out of the sand and stones myself and hauled it off. Except my guess is, it weighed in around 500 to 800lbs. I was thinking I could ask a handful of friends to help me, but then I just burst into laughter. I was picturing my friend Jacko with a deadpanned look on his face as I suggested he help me carry it home.

Earlier this summer during this fundraiser, Jacko happened to be standing at the beach when I spotted a tree in the sand and asked he and another friend if they
would lend me a hand. He just looked at me like I had two heads.

"What you can't help me out here?" He just looked at me shaking his head.

10 years ago when I surfed everyday for a year, I collected driftwood
. My lower driveway is made up of the collected pieces of natural art. Maybe I can get someone to help me move this thing. Anyone have a Crane and dump truck I can borrow?

121, only 244 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 22nd, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 120
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I left Maryland at 6:30AM this morning with Corporal Patch in the vehicle. He never made a peep. What a great temperament. I needed to be home between 4:00PM and 4:45PM to catch my wave with the remaining daylight. I'm happy to report, that I was in the water by 4:20PM. Plenty light enough to see and surf.

The Puppy is awesome. I mean, he is just too damn cute for words. Cory and the girls absolutely love him
, and when Max comes home from college tomorrow, I know he'll fall in love with the little guy as well.

(Above) That's my youngest Noelle with Cpl. Patch when I first came home at 4:15PM today. Photo by RALPH

For those of you who might be thinking that this is going to turn into a daily Puppy blog. I can promise you all... it will not. Will I show pics of Patch from time to time? Of course. Will I mention the little guy here and there? Hell yea, But this blog is still about Raising money for kids with cancer. It's still about keeping the memory of Molly Rowlee alive and well. It's still about ALL cancer victims. And cancer survivors. That my friends, won't ever change.

I just wanted to share with you the joy we are all feeling with this new puppy. After being so distraught after losing our dog a few weeks ago. We are dog happy again.

(Above) After I caught my wave today...back at the house at 4:50PM. Photo by Gabby.


120, only 245 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 21st, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 119
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I woke up this morning at 6:00AM and drove down the coast to catch my wave and was greeted with the most beautiful sunrise. It was absolutely breathtaking. I actually spoke out loud to Molly, my mother, Joe, Linda, Bud, Wendy, Tony, and Winnie. All the cancer victims I know. I greeted them all with a big wave and spoke openly on the beach. I was awash in pinks, purples, blues, and shades of yellows and oranges and reds. So amazingly beautiful. And me with no camera. DOH!

I caught one perfect tiny 1' wave and saluted. I stepped off my board and then wrote Molly's name in the sand with my bootie. It's at 18th Street.

I'm heading down to pick up our new family member. It's 8 hours from here. I'll spend the night and get the puppy first thing Monday and be back in time to catch my wave (hopefully) before the sun goes down. But if I miss the daylight, I surf at night. It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last.

Here's the little guy. "Patches". Pretty cute huh. Can't wait to meet him in person.

WHS WARRIOR Football team lost yesterday. But none of them should hang their heads. You had a wonderful season. And as a fan of HS ball, you provided many exciting Friday nights under the lights. Be proud ypou young Warriors. Be Proud.

Warriors on three. ONE -TWO -THREE- WARRIORS! God Bless you all.

119, only 246 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 20th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 118
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

This morning's early go-out was one of the most difficult sessions so far. The surf was tiny. I'm talking 4 to 6 inches, and there was no definition of a wave. It was sloppy and choppy and just a mess. Plus the tide was pretty high. It took me three attempts to catch a wave and go the nine feet. I did do it eventually, but I had to work at it.

I got my wave saluted and watched Big Black bounce off the jetty. Ouch.

A woman walking by sa
ys: "There's not much out there today." I looked over at her and smiled. "No mam, but I only needed one."

GOOD LUCK to the WHS WARRIOR Football team today! Take the crown of the
Division II Championships Game. FIGHT FOR IT. EARN IT. Remember ... if you're losing- DON'T GIVE Up...if You're winning-DON'T LET Up!

118, only 247 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 19th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 117
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Yesterday I said that it was the first time in 14 days since I rode my longboard. Today was the first time in 18 days that I did a ONE and DONE. The surf was small. But it was actually perfect. These tiny perfect waves peeling off. I tell you, if I was the size of GI Joe I would of been in heaven. But I'm not. So I only got one.

I rode that little right hander on Big Black in a semi crouched position went at least 15 feet then I stood straight up and saluted. A One and Done
. Perfectly executed.

GOOD LUCK to the WHS WARRIOR Football team tomorrow in the D
ivision II Championships Game. Remember boys, if you're losing- DON'T GIVE Up...if You're winning-DON'T LET Up!

117, only 248 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 18th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 116
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I did something today that I have not done in 14 days. I rode my longboard. The waves were only knee to thigh high. Clearly time for Black Beauty to hit the surf again. I only ride the Longboard when the surf is smaller. Not that I have anything against those who ONLY ride a longboard in all surf. No sir. I'm just a bit more flexible in my water crafts. Shorter board when the surf is good, and longboard when it's small.

Riding my 9' 0" this morning, I caught 7 seven waves in a rapid fire succession and was done with it.
I think I saluted every other wave. It was so pretty out there. Being alone in the ocean is so soothing. I felt good today.

Below is a photo I took late in the day yesterday. I always liked this angle and view.

It has the look of the pending winter. I wonder what it's going to be like. The winter I mean. I'm hoping for a mild winter here on the seacoast, but plenty of snow up North in the mountains. We will all know soon enough.

That's 116, only 249 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 17th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 115
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

It wasn't pretty but I got my waves. It was bumpy and weird. But there was some size. I surfed it alone. Actually Billy and Mike Sander were watching from the street. It wasn't good enough to suit up if you didn't have to. I think Mikey wanted me to stick around
so he could have someone to surf with. Not today. I'll save the longer sessions for when it's good. Today? I caught a handful and left after my 5th wave and salute.

(The photo above is from and I grabbed it this afternoon.)

When I got home, a crazy wind/rain storm
hit and it was wild. It would of been very weird had I been in the water when this thing hit. It was isolated so it might not of even hit where I was surfing. Still, it was pretty wild to witness. I love our unpredictable weather here in New England.

115, only 250 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 16th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 114
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

s it boasting if I say that I hit the water today at 10th Street and caught 5 waves in under 15 minutes? Is that boasting? Or is it fact? I'd say it's both. Yes I'm rubbing it in a little (mostly so my friends can cringe) but it's also fact. I caught a half dozen waves in a short period of time this morning. I basically sat away from the pack and therefore did not hassle anyone out there. No there were no Blatant Drop Ins on my part.

Just a quick strike. Very stealth like.

I can only attribute my ability to paddle and
catch that many waves in that short of time to my "tuned in to the ocean vibe". I mean let's face it. I'm all over it each and every day. I know when and where to hit it. I am getting into this zen like mode of my surfing as of late. A part of me feels guilty if I paddle out into a semi crowd and get away with catching that many waves. I'm just doing what I'm doing. Catching waves and saluting Molly and friends.

114, only 251 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 15th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 113
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

magine my surprise to see that there was still head high waves this morning. I mean how many days is this? Wait who am I asking here? Hold on ...I just checked the daily blog/journal and it appears that it's Day 12 of head high or better. Man...I'm actually getting back into a groove here. My surf chops are getting better.

I surfed the Wall with my buddy Tony, but it ended up being a bit too much dealing with the constant close-outs. So we moved North and found that same reef I surfed the last couple of days. And lo and behold, it was working. was empty. I was all over it. Tony wrenched his back at the Wall and was all done. I had it to myself.

I ended up writing a new song out there. I can't tell you how many times in my life where a song would come to me while out surfing alone. Many times my friends. Many, many times. I'm sure seeing Joe Bonamassa on Saturday night had something to do with the creative musical juices being turned on.

and music. What a combination. I caught my last good wave and saluted Lil Miss Molly as I worked that wave face and shoulder. When I hit the sand I had a whole new positive step in my walk. Life feels good again.

113, only 252 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 14th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 112
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

redeemed myself today. And let me tell you it felt good. From the ass whooping I took yesterday to the "could do no wrong session" today. I had turned things completely around in less than 24 hours. Of course it is in due part that the swell had dropped and the Rip was not as intense. Still, I surfed the same reef that I had surfed the day before (by myself), only this time I shared it with a half dozen others.

But I got every wave I wanted and caught just about every wave I paddled for.

ncluding the last wave which turned out to be the wave of the day (at this spot). What a difference a day makes. And what a difference a week makes. We are looking like we are going to get another puppy. We all know that you can't replace our beloved animals, but you can start a new life with a new puppy. I'll keep you posted on this as things develop. Meanwhile, the surf continues and so does my quest.

112, only 253 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 13th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 111
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The surf today, was beautiful. Just so damn pretty. I love the look of a crisp fall swell. God it's just so New England. This was the first photo I shot this morning at 7:00AM. It was at the Wall. No I did not surf the Wall this was too much for my tired old bones to deal with. But it sure was pretty.

I ended up surfing alone and really getting my butt kicked pretty good before I finally caught a wave. I mean I got driven to the beach three times before I was able to negotiate the rip and this fussy peak. I was out there with Corey Roy. But then he let the Rip take him south, and I stayed and fought with it for a solid hour. I did get a handful of waves. And my first wave I got a nice barrel. But man, it was a workout.

Here's another shot from this morning....

Pretty nice eh? The sweet nectar of New England. It felt good to be out there catching waves and taking photos. After all, it was one week ago today, that we lost our dog Scout. One week. We are far from over it, but the healing has begun. And waves like this today make it easier to forget the pain and sorrow, even if for a short time.

111, only 254 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 12th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 110
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Did I ever mention that I do a lot of Push-ups to stay in s
hape? No? Well I do. I do hundreds of them every Monday, -Wednesday, and Friday. It helps me in the duck diving category. Which by the way I did a mess of them today. So many in fact, that I did not do my push-ups today or Wednesday. Look, I must of done a 100 duck dives today alone.

There were some thumping waves out there today.

(Above) I shot this today. Friday, November 12, 2010.

I'm almost losing track on how many days have been overhead.
Not that it makes any difference. I mean, I'm going out no matter what. But the last couple of days have been interesting for sure. It's funny how I found myself almost daydreaming out there as I was getting hammered by numerous set waves. Is that normal? Who knows? Who cares? I'm getting my daily waves and slowly but surely inching closer to my goal.

Won't be long before it's really winter like conditions. Heck it felt balmy out there today. I saw people in Tee-shirts and shorts today. Maybe this will be
a mild winter. Man wouldn't that be nice. Hey before I forget, thanks again for all the Veterans Day wishes. And from all my vet buddies too, who were on the receiving end of some great well wishes as well. My buddy and fellow Photographer Ed O'Connell was equally touched by the kind sentiments of some of you surfers. You guys are the best.

110, only 255 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 11th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 109
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

consider myself one of the luckiest Veterans on the seacoast. I have so many friends and relatives who either call me, email me, and now post on Facebook, some really nice and thoughtful Veterans Day wishes. Today I have over 100...messages and postings. I had to finally stop counting. I can't tell you how humbled I am. I truly thank you for being so kind and thoughtful...(damn I hope I don't start crying again).

Between my dog dying, and the many condolences that followed from all of you, to the well wishes about the 235th USMC Birthday and today being Veterans Day...
I am truly humbled.

This whole thanking me on Veterans Day started about 20 years ago when a handful of my close friends started to call me on Veterans Day. Each year it has grown. And today, with the networking of blogging, and Facebook, it has gone through the roof.

But I am both happy and proud to say, that the original handful of friends still call me.

Like I said, I consider myself the luckiest Veteran. I had to speak at four different services today. We start our day at the main beach at 7:30AM. I saw the surf this morning, and suffice it to say, I was somewhat distracted down there. By the time I had finished our last service at 12:30PM, I was ready to hit the surf.

I got a bunch of waves today. I had so many surfers thank me for my service as I walked in and out of the water today. I handed my camera to a guy getting out of his wetsuit, and he snapped this pic of me.

In the 4/3 and still stoked. I saluted ALL the Veterans today on my last ride. Trust me there are a bunch here who surf. Thank you Surfer Vets. And again I thank all of you for being so kind and thoughtful this week. It's been one hell of a ride.

109, only 256 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 10th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 108
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Happy 235 Birthday to my fellow Marines. Had a great day going to all the schools and seeing a bunch of my surf buddies kids. Spoke about Veterans Day at some of the schools. I saw Gavin, Kieran, and Anna. And of course, tonight is our annual Marine Corp Birthday Ball. It should be fun.

I surfed some big waves alone today. I only got choked up once thinking of my dog. |
I'm getting better...each day is a little better.

Speaking of Marines...guess who this is? I was 18 years old.

(Above) This is me 42 years ago...yikes! Photo courtesy of Ralph.

I called a couple of my Marine Corps brothers I served in the Corps with
. Hard to believe it was over 42 years ago. There's not many left. Tomorrow is Veterans Day. If you have a Vet in your family, call them and say "Thank You For Serving". Trust me, you will make their day... just take my word for it and do it.

I caught a handful of waves this afternoon.
And on my last wave, I saluted my Marine Corps brothers and sisters. And my buddies who never made it back.

Semper Fi Marines!

108, only 257 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 9th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 107
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

felt so bad for this guy out in the water today. He was all alone when I paddled out and joined him. The surf was half the size as yesterday. He was starting to tell me how he had not been in the water since Hurricane IGOR, and the reason is, he'd been hit by a loose board and got 14 stitches in his ankle. Today was his first day back in the water. He said he's been surfing for 7 years, and that surfing is his life's Journey.

I told him how long I'd been surfing, and he seemed surprised, but then he gave me a few compliments. I thanked him.

Somehow the conversation got around to me writing the weekly column. He was all excited to share more surf stories with me once he knew who I was, but I was all done. I caught my 3rd and final wave in the 10 minutes I was out there and left. I'm sure he was wondering what the hell happened to me. So bud, if by some chance you're reading this, it was fun sharing waves with you for that 10-15minutes.

On my
last wave, I saluted and waved goodbye. And I swear, I saw another "Patch of
Blue" in the sky and I smiled again. I'm feeling a little better today.

(Above) A Patch Of Blue 11/8/2010...sent to me by one of my readers Michelle.
Thank you!

107, only 258 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 8th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 106
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Surfed alone today. It was Big and Messy. Maybe 6-8' (faces) on the sets. I caught three waves. I was feeling OK. At one point I looked up and saw a patch of blue sky in this thick ceiling of gray clouds. I wrote a song about 19 years ago called "A Patch Of Blue". I wrote it as I was driving down Rte 95 on my way to a Funeral of a close friend. The sky was gray at the time and I saw that vivid Patch of Blue.

I used it
as a metaphor to express my condolences to the family, and to point out the light at the end of the tunnel per se. You know, to look for that "Patch Of Blue" in life.

I saw my patch of blue today. And maybe my active imagination got
the best of me, but I swear, the outline of blue was that of a flying bird. To me, it looked like a
se. My dog Scout loved Grouse. I caught my last wave and saluted, and then I turned towards the patch of blue and smiled.

106, only 259 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 7th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 105
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The image of my dog passing yesterday is still fresh in my mind. And I truly hate to burden you with my sorrow and grief. But judging from your emails and Facebook postings, and all of your calls, you have been wonderful in expressing your heartfelt and sincere condolences to me and my family.

I know that most of you are pet owners. And you have experienced the loss of a pet.

There's nothing good about it. And I know that we will all be feeling better again as soon as enough time has passed. But right now, it's still very raw. I just can't shake it.
And honestly, I don't want to. I want to feel the grief and the pain. It's all part of the cycle of being a pet owner. We know these days are coming for all of us. But knowing this should not deter us from continuing to buy or adopt a pet. The joy they bring us when they are here far outweigh the sadness we feel when they go.

But I did want to thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.

I got a good wave today. And for that one fleeting moment when I pulled under the pitching lip, I thought only about the wave I was riding. I came out of the tube and saluted, and when I kicked out, I got choked up. But I didn't cry. I paddled back out and caught a few more. The guys I was sitting with and sharing waves with, had no idea of my hidden pain. Just as well. It was just a surf session.

It's funny, because as I write this, I hear ghost
sounds of my dog's nails walking on the hardwood floors above me. My office is under our living room. Everytime he got up to move, I could hear him. I know it's not him, but the sound is soothing. I'll be OK. I'm just sad and heartbroken.

105, only 260 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 6th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 104
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I caught a wave way outside today in NH and rode it for at least 150 yards. Maybe more. I saluted halfway through the ride and then broke out in tears. Our 14 year old family dog "Scout"passed away today. He didn't make it. For the last few days he'd been struggling and today the poor guy had no more fight left in him. We all said goodbye to our family member.

It's not the first time I ever cried in the water...and I'm sure it won't be the last.

(Above) I shot this photo last month. That's our dog Scout and Cat Comet. Sitting in my chair. Rest in Peace Scouty...we're sure gonna miss you. Photo by RALPH

(Above ) The surf today. November 6, 2010. Photo by RALPH

That's 104, only 261 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 5th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 103
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I made a miscalculation today when I paddled out. Actually, I made two. The first was misjudging the size of the surf, and the second was, I did not wear a hood today because, I thought I would be dodging waves like Spiderman or something. I hit the surf and took 5 waves in a row on the head. and it shook me pretty good. The full on headache in the back of my head. Yea, I guess it was the proverbial "Ice cream headache" though, the water did not seem that cold. But for some reason, it felt cold on the back of my head.

I felt pretty silly. I mean, it's not like I have not been in the water in a while.

(Above) As you can see, the surf came up a bit. I shot this after I surfed today. This is Mike Stanek. November 5, 2010. Photo by RALPH

I caught a handful of head high and a couple of overhead waves. I rode them pretty good considering my age and all. I saluted my sick Dog Scout again...(come on Scout, you can make it.) And my son Max broke his leg this week playing College Football. It's been a trying couple of days.

But we'll be OK. We still have each other. And the surf.

That's 103, only 262 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 4th, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 102
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The other day I made mention of talking to Gulls. I think I asked if any of you thought it was weird. Well I said hello to this one Gull yesterday and to my surprise he walked towards me. Now for all intents and purposes he could of mistaken me for some Summer Tourist and thought he was getting a free handout or a handful of Cheez-its.

Or...he recognized me and thought of me as a friend.

Nah...he was looking for the Cheez-it. Still you never know. Some of them Gulls look familiar to me. I'd say that most Gulls look alike but I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of being a Bird Racist.

By the way...the surf is coming up. And so are the temps going down. It felt like November out there today. I paddled out at the Wall at 18th Street and there were some easy chest high sets. It took me a few attempts before I settled into a decent wave. I caught a good sized right and almost pearled, but I pulled out of it. I rode it for quite a ways before cutting back and going left.

I saluted my sick Dog Scout and AI. I hope my old 14 year old dog pulls out of his bad situation and I hope that Andy is at peace and he's already getting the new breaks dialed in. And...I hope Kelly Slater get's his 10th in PR.

That's 102, only 263 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 3rd, 2010 -July 26, 2011 Day 101
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

It's hard to put any kind of significance on my 101st consecutive day surfing, because everyone I know in the surf world, has been talking about the untimely passing of Andy Irons. The 3 time World Champ was found dead in his Dallas Hotel Room yesterday. He was at the Surf contest in PR when he got sick and then tried to get home to Hawaii.

I guess there's some speculation as to what he actually died from. Initial reports say Dengue Fever, but there's also been talk about Methadone being found in his room. I'm not going to say another word about the cause of his death until an autopsy is performed.

Regardless of how he was too early. AI was an insane Surfer. His last video clip" I Surf Because " was pretty spot on. I'm sorry for his wife and unborn child, his brother Bruce, and parents and his other family members and thousands of friends. It's all so sad. I also feel bad for Kelly Slater, who is on the verge of capturing World Title number 10. They postponed the contest in PR until Friday out of respect of AI's passing. It's all so surreal. Rest In Peace Andy Irons.

That's 101, only 264 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 2nd, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 100
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I suppose the big news around the country today is the Mid Term Elections. And while it's even big news here in Sleepy Hampton, New was also big for those of us paying attention to this particular fund raiser I'm doing. Because my friends, today was Day 100. One hundred days under my belt. Even Kieran (Molly's little brother) was blown away by that news. "You surfed for 100 Days?"

Yep...100 days. And today I was joined by handful of close friends. Starting with Molly's parents Buck and Meghan and of course Molly's lil bro Kieran. Stevie O'hara and his wife Heather and their boys Gavin and James showed up. I was also joined by Nate, Hannah, and Dave Cropper. It was sort of an impromptu gathering. But I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised to see everyone and share a few waves with them.

It's hard not to have fun with Buck. He's always stoked.

And I have to admit, the Buckmeister was catching and riding the furthest on each wave. Buck was in full glide mode. And Nate was not wearing any boots or gloves (Hey Nate it's November), out there today but he hung in there for as long as the rest
of us. The O'Hara boys were killing it. Those kids crack me up. They were just stoked to be out in the water, period.

Watch out for Gavin and James in the future. Those boys are surfers.

(Above) Left to right. Nate, Crop, Kieran, James, Buck, me, Stevie, and Gavin. *Check the Molly graffiti from last summer. Photo by Hannah Vokey

(Above) Nate, James, Buck, me, Stevie, and Gavin head out into the 1' surf.
Photo by Hannah Vokey

(Above) That's my 100th wave in front with Buck out the back going the distance.
Photo by Hannah Vokey

(Above) James O'Hara looking a lot like his dad. Photo by Hannah Vokey

(Above) Is this a blatant drop in? Nah...just Buck and I having fun.
Photo by Hannah Vokey

(Above) Meg, Heather and Hannah. On my 100th Day. Photo by RALPH

I had more fun than I thought I would. I honestly thought today would be another "One and Done". But this was really special. Having Molly's family and close friends there made it so special. I'm sure her spirit was with us today. I know I felt her. I'm sure her mom, dad and brother felt it too.

Thanks guys for being part of this mini milestone. It sure put a smile on my face.

That's 100, only 265 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


November 1st
, 2010 -July 26, 2011
Day 99
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I wonder if the Gulls I walk past every day, are the same Gulls I see all the time? Is it wrong that I say hello to them and tell them not to worry about me? I wonder if they are thinking the same about me. "Is that that same guy again with the Mollly hat going to catch one wave and then he leaves? What's up with that guy?"

I guess we'll never know the answer to either one.

But I will say, some of those Gulls seem friendlier to me each passing day. Speaking of Days. Today is Day 99 and I had to make two attempts to ride the 9 feet. I'm pretty sure I did that on attempt number two.

I snapped this photo last week on my Mother's would be birthday. 10-28-10. I have no idea who did it, or why. But I took it as a sign. "M" is for's also for Mother.

That's 99, only 266 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...



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